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28 Aug 2024

Unlock the Secrets of the Atmosphere: Dive into Volume 07, Issue 03 of Journal of Atmospheric Science Research Now Available!

Convective Phenomenes in the Context of Meso-β-scale Convective Structures

This review article presents the results of radar studies of convective phenomena in Moldavia and the North Caucasus using Eulerian (ECS) and Lagrangian (LCS) coordinate systems. 

#Convectivestorm #Motionvectorsandtheirrelations #Stormmergingandsplitting #Mesoβscaleconvectivestructures #Feedercells #FlankingLine



Evaporation and Fragmentation of the Electrified Droplets in the Polar Clouds during Spring Season as a Key Mechanism of the Ozone Depression Formation


This study focuses on the role of the charged particles in the formation of the springtime ozone depression in the polar atmosphere.

#Chargedparticles #Ozonedepression #PolarStratosphericClouds #Condensationnuclei #Ionclusters #GlobalElectricCircuit #Earthmagneticfield



Dense Fog in the Netherlands: Composition of the Nuclei that Contribute Most to the Droplet Number Concentration


This short communication provides the first actual data via measurements with an aerosol mass spectrometer—AMS—for a period with dense fog events observed in November 2011. 

#AMS #Ammoniumnitrate #Organics #Hygroscopicityfactor #Activationdiameter



Estimating Chemical Concentrations of Dust PM2.5 in Iraq: A Climatic Perspective Using Polynomial Model and Remote Sensing Technology


This study aimed to evaluate air quality in Iraq by utilizing climatic data, such as temperature, humidity, and gaseous pollutants for assessing the health effects based on processed and estimated data.

#DustPM2.5 #Advancedremotesensing #Polynomialmodel #Healthimpact #GIS



Topical Collection

Remote Sensing of the Earth's Atmosphere

Collection Editor: Dr. Manoj M.G.
Submission Deadline: 31 December 2024

Ozone Pollution

Collection Editors: Prof. Dr. Yisheng Zhang, Prof. Dr. Chen Wang, Dr. Jianhui Bai
Submission Deadline: 20 January 2025


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Principal Contact

Journal Coordinator: Lesley Lu
( Any quires regarding the submission or the journal, please feel free to contact her. )
PhoneTel.: +65 65881289