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27 Aug 2024

Unveil the Mysteries of Language: Forum for Linguistic Studies, Volume 6, Issue 3, September 2024

Analyzing the Demographic-based Grammatical Competence and Its Relationship to Academic Performance in Higher Education Setting

The purpose of this study was to assess the grammar competence and English academic performance of first-year college students in Basilan State College. 
#Englishacademicperformance #Grammaticalcompetence #Highereducation
EFL Learners' Belief in English Only Instruction: A promising or ineffective approach at the tertiary level in Iraq

English-only instruction, the alternative to code-switching, is one of them that urges educators and learners to communicate through English.
#Englishmastery #Englishonlyinstruction #Universitystudentsperceptions #Web2.0tools
Research on the Acceptance of Crowdsourced Translation Platform Technologies by Translators
This research not only provides insights into how to enhance the relationship between crowdsourced translation platforms and translators but also offers valuable recommendations for the advancement of translation education and the professional development of translators.
#Crowdsourcedtranslationplatforms #TechnologyAcceptanceModel #Translatorsacceptance #Mixedmethodsresearch #Jobsatisfaction
From Tradition to Technology: Societal and Educational Impacts on Job Preferences in Oman

This study explores Omani undergraduate students’ employment readiness, job preferences, and the impact of English language proficiency, within the framework of Oman Vision 2040. 
#OmanVision2040 #Employmentreadiness #Englishlanguagecompetency #Societalperceptions #Jobpreferences #Omanisationpolicy
Saudi Female English Teachers' Professional Identity Construction: A Qualitative Study of the Internal and External Factors
This study used a triangulation approach to collect data from five Saudi female EFL teachers and applied thematic analysis for data analysis.
#EFLteacherprofessionalidentity #Professionalidentitydevelopment #Saudieducation
Language Delivery Styles in Academic Trainings: Analysis of Speaker' s Emotional Connection to Audience for Lasting Learning
In summary, an emotional bond with the audience is essential to learning that is both successful and long-lasting, and examining this bond can help trainers and teachers improve their techniques and design more memorable and stimulating learning environments.
#Delivery #Effective #LearningProcess #AcademicTraining
Examining the Linguistic Identity of Asia’s Latin City: A Content Analysis of Multilingualism of a Nonmetropolitan Cityscape

This investigation offers an extensive analysis and examination of the linguistic landscape of a nonmetropolitan cityscape, focusing on the linguistic identity and multiple languages used throughout the city. 
#Linguisticlandscape #Monolingual #Bilingual #Multilingual #Officialsignage #Nonofficialsignage
Towards the Intellectualisation of Indigenous African Languages Through University Language Policies in South Africa

The paper further argues that universities need not focus on language status planning only, but also on corpus planning to successfully implement the use of African languages as LoTLs.
#Institutionallanguagepolicies #IntellectualisationofAfricanlanguages #Languageasaresource #Languageofteachingandlearning #Terminologydevelopment
Successful Thai EFL Students and their Language Learning Strategies for Acquiring English If Clause

The present study principally aimed to find out how successful Thai EFL students learned to acquire this grammatical structure by virtue of the language learning strategies (LLS).
#Ifclause #LLS #ThaiEFLstudents #Productivemistakes
Equivalence in Translation: Balancing Act between Source and Target Cultures in Dream of the Red Chamber
This study explores the intricate balance between source and target cultures in the translation of the classic Chinese novel, “Dream of the Red Chamber,” focusing on the concept of equivalence in translation. 
#Equivalence #Translation #Culture #DreamoftheRedChamber
Investigating the Effectiveness of Using Corpus-Based Developed Materials in Vocabulary Learning for Saudi EFL Students
This paper empirically examined the effectiveness of using the corpus approach for EFL students’ vocabulary development and explored students’ attitudes toward using a corpus to develop their vocabulary.
#Vocabularylearning #Corpus #Corpusbasedapproach #Traditionalapproach #Studentsattitudes
Linguistic Experience and Cognitive Development: Dispelling Mainstream Ideas Regarding Early Aymara-Spanish Bilingualism

First, from a generativist view, the results support the modularity of language, and, from sociolinguists’ impact, the current study’s data demonstrated that early Aymara-Spanish bilingualism does not affect normal cognitive development.
#Bilingualism #Linguisticexperience #Cognitivedevelopment #Evidentiality #TheoryofMind
A Periphrastic Glance at Pre-Service and Basic Education ESL Teachers' Attitude toward PhilE and AmE

The paper recommends more seminars on World Englishes (WE) and PhilE in areas where English speakers are not yet open to such language phenomena.
#WorldEnglishes #PhilippineEnglish #Languageattitudes #Matchedguisetechnique #Englishlanguageeducation
Socio-cultural Factors Affecting Reading Comprehension Levels and Demographic-based Grammatical Competence of Higher Education Students

The purpose of this study was to analyze the socio-cultural factors affecting reading comprehension levels of first-year college students from Basilan State College.
#Grammaticalcompetence #Readingcomprehension #Socioculturalfactors
Delving into Educators' Perspectives and Practices in Second Language Teaching Contexts: Differentiated Instruction in the Spotlight

This study aims to investigate the perspectives and implementation of differentiated learner-centered strategies by 96 English teacher trainers and trainees in Rwanda, employing surveys and semi-structured interviews as data collection tools over one year. 
#Differentiatedinstruction #Differentiation #Englishlanguageeducation #Teachertrainers #Learnercentredstrategies #Teachercapacitybuilding #Professionaldevelopment
Sonority Is Not Sufficient: Syllabification and Syllable Patterns in Jordanian Ammani Arabic

This study presents a novel approach to syllabification and syllable structure in Jordanian Ammani Arabic (JAA), addressing challenges posed by complex syllable patterns and codas.
#JordanianAmmaniArabic #Moraictheory #Semisyllables #Syllablestructure #Syllabificationalgorithm
The Effect of Background Noise and Music on Speech Recognition Performance of Individuals with Normal Hearing and Hearing Loss
This study explores speech recognition characteristics in background noise and music between normal hearing (NH) listeners, hearing aid (HA) users and cochlear implant (CI) users.
#Hearingloss #Audiology #Rehabilitation
The Role of Climate Change-oriented News in Cultivating Students’Reading Skills and Raising Environmental Awareness

This study investigates the influence of reading climate change-oriented news on university students’ reading comprehension and raising their ecological awareness simultaneously at a private university in Erbil, Iraq, in the 2023–2024 academic year. 
#ChatGPT4 #Climatechangeorientednews #Enhancedreadingperformance #Environmentalawareness
Implementation of Self-regulated Learning Writing Module: Amplifying Motivation and Mitigating Anxiety among EFL Learners

The study involved a total of 70 EFL learners from a university in Henan Province, China, and utilized a quasi-experimental design with an experimental SRLWM group and a control group.
#Anxiety #EFLLearners #Literacy #Motivation #WritingSelfRegulation #SocialInclusion #Sustainability
Linguistic Analysis of Texts in Philological Research: The Use of  Salesforce Einstein Artificial Intelligence
This study aims to explore the innovative technology of Salesforce Einstein Artificial Intelligence, which can be used for linguistic text analysis in philological research.
#Artificialintelligence #Testprocessing #Tokenization #Emotionanalysis #Ethicalissue #Naturallanguage
Cognitive Linguistics: Disclosure of Cognitive Processes in Language Perception from an Analytical Perspective

The paper uses a closed questionnaire survey of 1st–4th year students of the State Higher Educational Institution “Uzhhorod National University” and the Ukrainian Humanities Institute, Faculty of Humanities, Department of Journalism.
#Cognitiveprocesses #Memory #Language #Problemsolving #Declarativememory
Harnessing the Power of Indigenous Zulu Music to Promote Language, Culture, and Diversity
This article explores how this music promotes language, culture, and diversity within the Zulu community. 
#Culturalpreservation #transferlearning #Indigenousmusic #Languagepromotion #TraditionalZulumusic
You are Under Arrest: Language Use for Social Power Construction in Institutional Discourse

This article investigates the ways in which language is employed in the construction of social power in selected institutional discourses. 
#Languageuse #Socialpower #Powerrelations #Socialroles #Institutionaldiscourse
Digital Competence of Future English Language Teachers: Influence of Age and Gender on Their Self-perception

This research analyses how age and gender may influence the self-perception of prospective secondary school teachers regarding their digital competence in teaching.
#English #ICT #Onlineeducation #Selfperception #Teacherdigitalcompetence #Teachertraining #University
Learning More about Chinese Culture through Speaking: English Speaking Module Incorporating Chinese Culture for EFL College Undergraduates in China

This study employs a mixed-method design to develop a module to help English as a Foreign Language (EFL) college undergraduates in China acquire their English-speaking abilities by incorporating Chinese culture texts using the Analyze, Design, Develop, Implement, and Evaluate (ADDIE) instructional model.
#ADDIEmodel #Chineseculture #Communicativespeakingactivities #Educationaltool #EnglishSpeakingModule
Exploring the Relevant Factors of Willingness to Communicate (WTC) in Language Learning—A Systematic and Bibliometric Approach
This study aims to explore current trends, remarkable subjects, influential authors, sources and interplay of WTC variables in L2 learning from 1985 to 2023.
#WillingnesstoCommunicate #PRISMA #Bibliometric #RelevantFactors #LanguageLearning
Critical Thinking Skills and Reading Proficiency among the English Language Students of Public Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in Sulu

The objective of this study is to offer a foundation for upcoming researchers to enhance their own investigations on critical thinking abilities and reading competence within their field of study. The study will be conducted during the Academic Year 2023-2024 in Sulu province.
#Criticalthinkingskills #Readingproficiency #Language #Highereducation #Institution
Proper Names as Presupposition Triggers in the Horror Story Semantic and Functional Aspects
The purpose of the article is to identify the trigger functions of proper names in this genre and classify the dependence of the presupposition level on the background knowledge of the author and the reader.
#Propernames #Thehorrorgenre #Onomasticon #Presupposition #Projection #Trigger
Inversion and Other Expressive Syntax Figures as Means of Expression in English and Ukrainian Fiction Texts
The significance of the study is to contribute to the deepening of the analysis of literary texts and the disclosure of their expressive potential. 
#Anaphora #Linguisticanalysis #Emotionalvocabulary #Workanalysis #Linguistics
Use of Technology and Instructional Strategies in English Language Teaching among the Faculty of Public Higher Education Institutions in Sulu

The purpose of this study was to examine how faculty members at public higher education institutions (HEIs) in Sulu utilized different instructional methods and educational technologies during the 2023–2024 academic year.
#Instructionalstrategies #Educationaltechnology #Enhancinglanguage #Learningskills #Practicality #Effectiveness
Themes Used to Discursively Construct the COVID-19 Pandemic in Kenya’s Newspaper Headlines

This study investigates the themes that discursively construct the COVID-19 pandemic in Kenya’s newspaper headlines, specifically focusing on their role in structuring communication related to the COVID-19 pandemic.
#CDA #COVID19 #Discourse #Newspaperrepresentation #Pandemic #Themes
Enhancing Reading Proficiency through Augmented Reality for Word Recognition Advancement

This study investigates the effectiveness of Augmented Reality (AR) in enhancing word recognition among participants at the frustration level. 
#Readingproficiency #Augmentedreality #Wordrecognition #Interventionprogram #Interactivelearning
The Role of Authentic Materials in Building Foreign Language Competencies
This study aims to determine the most effective method of using authentic materials to improve the foreign language competence of non-native speakers.
#Authenticmaterials #Foreignlanguagecompetence #Teachingmethods #Culturalcontext #Educationalprogrammes #Languageperception
Psycholinguistic Analysis of Inversion as a Rhetorical Figure in Fiction

The research deals with identifying the cognitive mechanisms used in cases of applying inversion and revealing its interaction with cognitive structures.
#Prideandprejudice #Linguistics #Comparativeanalysis #Literaryanalysis #Emotiontransfer
A Contrastive Analysis of Indirect Passive Sentences of Japanese Language and Sundanese Passive Sentences

Contrastive research between passive JL and Sundanese language (SL) is one effort to overcome this problem because most JL learners in West Java speak SL as their mother tongue.
#Directpassive #Indirectpassive #KaNanconstruction #DipangVintrkeunconstruction
EFL Teachers’ Motivation of Professional Development at the University Level in China

The motivation of EFL instructors for selecting a profession in teaching and the elements influencing that motivation was investigated using a quantitative approach design. 
#EFLteachers #HigherEducation #Careermotivation #Motivation #Levelofmotivation #Englishteaching
An Ideological Critique of the legacy of Nelson Mandela in Brenda Fassie' s “Black President”

The primary aim of this article is to uncover Brenda Fassie's “Black President” in an attempt to unravel Nelson Mandela’s political and leadership discourse. 
#Ideologicalcritique #Music #Language #NelsonMandela #Postcolonialism #Postapartheid #Freedom #Legacy
A Systematic Review of Integrating Culture into Foreign Language Teaching and Learning
This paper intends to systematically review the existing research on culture teaching or integrating culture in foreign language teaching.
#Cultureteaching #CultureLearning #Foreignlanguageteaching
Media-semantic Analysis of Christian Motifs on German Web Portals for Advertising: Aspect of Decoding Narrative News and Images

The paper concludes that religious lexical elements in advertising have an ambivalent role and that the media support the Church’s secularization process.
#religiousvocabulary #Christianmotifs #monitoring #decoding #formsofadvertising #Doeklersmodel
The Definition and Typologies of Conversion and Compounding in Albanian Word Formation in a Crosslinguistic Approach

By doing so, this study seeks to elevate these processes to their rightful place among word formation types and to encourage their use by Albanian speakers.
#Albanianlanguage #Wordformation #Conversion #Zeroderivation #Compounding #Orthography #Crosslinguisticapproach
Advancing Language Education through Multimodality: Insights from a Bibliographic Analysis

The findings show that multimodal media and pedagogies evolve to boost student engagement and understanding in language learning, particularly in terms of video-mediated interaction and social media.
#Bibliometricanalysis #Multimodality #Languageeducation #VOSviewer #CiteSpace #CitNetExplorer
The Acquisition of de: Investigating Recursive Possession in Mandarin-Speaking Kids

This study investigates three aspects of the acquisition of the recursive possessive marker de by Mandarin-speaking children: the feasibility of recursive possessive (RP) levels, performance in both cognition and competence, and the age at which these abilities emerge.
#Recursivepossession #De #Age #Task #Mandarin #L1
Code-Switching Used in Indonesian-Japanese Interpersonal Communication: A Sociolinguistics Study

This research analyzed code-switching used during interpersonal communication events between Indonesian and Japanese native speakers who understand both languages.
#Codeswitching #Interpersonalcommunication #Indonesianativespeakers #Japanesenativespeakers
Online Peer-Review Technique Using Facebook A Pedagogical Study in EFL Students’ Paragraph Writing Skills

This study aims to investigate the impact of the online peer-review technique (OPRT) on Facebook on enhancing the paragraph writing skills of English major students at Majmaah University, Saudi Arabia. 
#Facebook #Paragraphwriting #Peerreview #Onlinemedium #OPRT
Contextualizing Islamic Traditions in English Language Teaching at Indonesian Islamic Higher Education

This study concludes that the participants’ dual tasks are supported by theological narratives, particularly that of the Islamic propagation argument, and by academic narratives highlighting scientific distinction and knowledge integration.
#Narrativeinquiry #Particularexperience
Perceptions of Parents on Raz-Kid' s Role in Enhancing Students' Micro  and Macro-Skills Holistically: A Study on Ishik Brayaty International  Primary School in Erbil

The study’s findings may have certain implications for the stakeholders who plan to integrate means of technology into the curriculum in a balanced way. 
#Ebookapps #Macroskills #Microskills #RazKids
Fostering EFL Learners' Writing Competence through Problem-Based Learning

The findings of this study may have certain implications for stakeholders who have sought ways to integrate problem-based learning into tasks in Academic Writing courses through a well-established plan and meticulously monitored writing process on a global scale.
#Academicwriting #Criticalthinking #Problembasedlearning #Problemsolving
Proud to announce the rise in CiteScore for FLS! 
Dive into the latest insights and research in functional linguistics. 

We invite you to join us in celebrating this milestone and continue supporting FLS as we further advance the study of language. Let's keep the conversation going and elevate the standards of excellence in linguistic scholarship together.
#FLSCiteScore #Linguistics #AcademicExcellence #ResearchImpact